CANON Meeting in Stockholm (8-12/5/2022)
Together with teachers and students, we got to see the baroque machinery in Drottningholm theatre and Confidencen as well as experience the VR environment in the Royal Opera Theatre. The first student workshop focused on the relation between historic and contemporary technology and alternative methods of documenting technical facts. Read more about the workshop's outputs here.
Photos by Nick Hunt.
Teachers meeting in Prague (10-14 / 10 / 2021)
The Praghe teachers workshop focusses on the innovative force of oral heritage. History of
technical theatre occurs for a large part in the recent past. The witnesses of this past are still
available to transmit their expertise, knowledge and skills. Safeguarding these invaluable, intangible
artefacts is key to future history writing and innovation. We look at cases where contemporary
innovation is clearly triggered by oral heritage and discuss how we can use these in contemporary
education and practice.
Teachers meeting in Madrid (13-17 / 2 / 2022)
The Madrid teacher workshop focuses on the relation between architects, scenographers and
technicians and the way the way technology is "traveling" in time and space. Based on case
presentations, the participants discuss similarities and difference in technological development and
use in the different regions and time frames in Europe.
Stockholm Student Workshop (7-14 / 5 / 2022)
This student workshop focusses on the relation between historic and contemporary technology and alternative methods for documenting technical information.
Meet us at the Heritage Cafe at LLB Stockholm (10-12 / 5 / 2022)
The purpose of the Heritage Cafe at LLB (Ljud, Ljus, Bild) is to increase awareness of the importance of the theatre technical heritage in the wider sector, to motivate teaching staff to implement the developed materials in their curricula, and to widen the network with other interested parties.
Heritage café in Brugges (14 / 6 / 2022)
The heritage café in Brugges is organised in conjunction with the STEPP heritage days. The purpose of a Heritage Cafe is to increase awareness of the importance of the theatre technical heritage in the wider sector, to motivate teaching staff to implement the developed materials in their curricula, and to widen the network with other interested parties.