Bri Newesely
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bri Newesely: Born in Innsbruck (Austria). Fine Arts and Architecture at the Universität der Künste Berlin and Set Design at the Kunsthochschule Weissensee Berlin (Germany). Since 1996, freelance set designer, architect and technical supervisor; 2002, approved as a certified “Bühnenmeister” (stage manager); 2008 PhD "Das Bühnenportal im Theater der Gegenwart". Since 2009 professor at the Beuth-Hochschule-University of Applied Sciences Berlin in Scenography and Theatre Architecture. Since 2014 member of the International Observatory of Scenic Spaces at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). She lives in Berlin, Innsbruck and Arenys de Lledó (Spain).